Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sit Still, My Children!

As the busyness of the week (and subsequent weeks) looms on the horizon, let's remember to take the time to "Sit Still" and rest in the capable arms of our Father.

Sit Still
Sit still, my children! Just sit calmly still!
Nor deem these days--these waiting days--as ill!
The One who loves you best, who plans your way,
Has not forgotten your great need today!
And, if He waits, it's sure He waits to prove
To you His tender child, His heart's deep love.

Sit still, my children! Just sit calmly still!
You greatly long to know your dear Lord's will!
While anxious thoughts would almost steal their way
Corroding within, because of His delay--
Persuade yourself in simple faith to rest
That He, who knows and loves, will do the best.

Sit still, my children! Just sit calmly still!
Nor move one step, not even one, until
His way has opened. Then, ah, then how sweet!
How glad your heart, and then how swift your feet,
Your inner being then, ah then, how strong!
And waiting days not counted then too long.

Sit still, my sons & daughters! Just sit calmly still!
What higher service could you for Him fill?
It's hard! ah yes! But choicest things must cost!
For lack of losing all how much is lost!
It's hard, it's true! But then--He gives you grace
To count the hardest spot on the sweetest place.

~J. Danson Smith~

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Busy Week at the Grices

Follow a small part of our busy week through pictures...

Last Thurs. evening Gram, Gavins and our family went over to Ry and Kels' for a Bible School recap (and fajitas and ice cream!)
Katelynna loved these Chicken 'n a Biskit crackers! :) Just like her daddy.

Hm... She also likes Hershey's kisses. :)

Visiting after supper

Abi wrapped this flower around Bug's neck.

She kept turning her head and trying to grab it, but missing every time. 

It just won't come off!

Pretty soon, she started to get used to it and it didn't bother her anymore. :)

A basket ride with Uncle Josh.


Sam and Grace had a grand time playing with Katelyn's blocks. :)

She loves green beans! Go baby girl!

As the evening progressed, we sang some of our chorus songs for Gram.

Hm, some little hamsters were goofing around... :)

This picture of our Red Lion Amaryllis got kinda washed out through the exporting process.

Apple Blossom Amaryllis

A selfie that I took on the way to church that Sunday.

Everybody else

Believe it or not, we got snow again on Sunday! When I looked outside that morning, I could hardly believe my eyes!

All of us youth shared testimonies and songs from our week at YBC last Sunday.

Next year at YBC, Annetta, Matthias and KK will be able to go. Then, if Ben and T.J. go, there will be 11 youth going from Glory! Go GCF!

Kelsey, Annetta and KK helped us out a little. Nate and I were still dealing with colds and throat problems, so we couldn't sing very well. A couple more were having some problems too, but I can't remember who they were. :) 

Nate got mighty thirsty...

That Sunday night, we had Gavins for supper. Ben had a leatherman with a mini saw, but it had broke off so the blade was only about an inch long. KK had a bread knife. 

Cheddar herb rolls with Irish butter... Mm...

Roasted seasoned potatoes

Dad and T.J, played chess for awhile. Dad won. :)

Josh was unsociably reading a book, but he perked up later. 

Someone drug out HorseOpoly after supper. They ended up playing it till almost 10, I think.

Gracie and Dad playing chess. I don't think I need to tell you who won. :)

Earlier in the game, Abi auctioned her horses off. Now, Nate is auctioning his off. Some of those went for some pretty exorbitant prices!

Sammy got this "hard" hat at the Red Oak home show. He was wearing it with Mom's upside down reading glasses yesterday.

Abi and I started going through our junk yesterday. You know how all those notes, letters, souvenirs, keepsakes and memorabilia can add up over the years. Ugh, we filled a big black trash bag  full of stuff to throw away.

We went through all of our dresser drawers, the side table drawers, my black shelf, under the bed and the closet. It took us almost all day. :)

We started with our small white trash can, but quickly had to upgrade to a big trash bag.

The mess is getting bigger...

...and bigger...

We found a bunch of art stuff that we gave to Sammy. I plopped that half stuffed pillow on his head and he barely noticed! :)

Taking all the blankets out of the closet

We had to move out into the hallway after awhile. At some point, a mouse ran all over some of our blankets and left some unpleasant surprises for us. Yuck!

Trying to Catch Up...

As you have probably noticed, I've gone off the radar for awhile. Ok, for a long time. I have one word for you. Life. Guys, life reall...