Friday, May 22, 2015

Sacrifice of Praise 2015

As usual, I've been very negligent with blog posting. :) Like usual, nothing exceptionally exciting has been going on. Well, ok, SOP came and went. It was very exciting while it lasted. Now we're still trying to catch up on sleep. Late nights, early mornings... You know, the wonted regime.

Anyway, back to square one.

The girl van (and Daddy) took off Thursday afternoon around 2. Abi and I had a house to clean in the morning so we wanted to have ample time to get home, pack, and get ready. The boy truck left at 6 am that morning as they wanted to climb Vedauwoo that afternoon.

We girls (and Daddy) were driving halfway, then stopping at a hotel in North Platte for the night. We had a very leisurely morning, taking off around 9:30. It was only about another 3 1/2 to 4 hours to Cheyenne from where we stayed.

The SOP directors decided to have a music teaching Friday afternoon for those that wanted to listen. Earl spoke for awhile on the differences in music, i.e.,  rock, country, CCM, etc. Then, he had us listen to a message by a Mennonite man who had been rebellious in his youth. He shared about the draw the different kinds of music can have on people. I was pretty tired throughout the whole thing so I wasn't paying the best attention. :)

After that, we practiced until 9 pm or so. We were so exhausted!

The next morning, we arrived bright and early to begin a new day of practice. The night before Earl had us just run through most of the songs. Saturday was reckoning day. :)

Practice went very well. I think just about everyone has said that this was probably the best SOP yet. It seemed like everyone was very engaged and eager to present the songs as nearly perfect as we could.

That evening, instead of practicing till late, they had planned a pizza supper, then games afterward. It was a fun relaxing twist to an already long weekend! After supper, Dave had us gather around the dining room in one big circle. If he pointed at you and said "right," "left," "you," or "me," you had to say that person's name within 3 seconds. Thankfully I was never pointed at. :) Once that game was over, everyone was dismissed to go play volleyball, or whatever recreation they felt like. A bunch of us ended up sitting around on the floor by the coat racks discussing music. It was a very interesting conversation. :)

Around 7:30, we were called in for a time of prayer. They split us up into prayer groups of about 10 people in each. We were instructed to share about a song that had blessed us, then pray for the programs on Sunday. I really enjoyed that! It just seemed to cap the practice time off so well by drawing our eyes to the One we are singing about, for and to.

As Lyle Stutzman always reminded us, "We are singing to an audience of One."

Sunday morning found us at church bright and early to practice one last time before the morning service began. As the program progressed, you could just feel the presence of God there among us.

The theme this year was "Heaven." As most of you know, MJ Miller, a young man from Cheyenne Christian Fellowship, was killed in a tragic car accident last year. A couple of the songs were dedicated to him, "Going Home" and "Home." As we were singing "Home" I don't think there was a dry eye in the room!

We had to be on the road at 2:30 for Loveland, CO where our next program was being held. It started at 7, but Earl wanted us there extra early so that we could work out any kinks that might have sprung up. In some ways, the evening program was better. I, for one, didn't feel like everyone put as much heart into it, but as far as the inflection or dynamics goes, we did a lot better job than in the morning!

Early the next morning, we left at 6 for home. Josh and KK wanted to stay to climb Vedauwoo again, so the rest of us tootled our way home, arriving home sometime after 4 pm. Were we ever glad to be home!

I've been struggling to catch up on sleep. Over the time we were gone I really didn't get a whole lot of sleep, maybe on average 4 1/2- 5 hours or less, every night. I also didn't have much of an appetite, so by the time we got home, I was about done for! Today I'm finally feeling a little more normal, but still not quite back up to par. It sure didn't help that we had a full schedule of cleaning the day after we got home. About 3/4 of the way through our first house, I was feeling pretty rotten. Mom said later that I looked like a sheet. :) We've been cleaning everyday since we got home. Such is life. I quote Mom again, "Don't worry! We'll rest in heaven!"

Oh, and, I'm sorry, I can't upload any of the program songs as Blogger won't accept them. They go  over the size that it allows for videos...

A double decker Oreo!

 Abi and I asked Dad to get us some snacks for the road. He. got. snacks. 

Enjoying the bounty. :)

When we got to North Platte, Dad had us chose a place for supper. In an almost unanimous vote, we chose Cold Stone Creamery ice cream for supper. 

Dad snapped a picture with his phone of us eating our naughty supper. :)

This is Abi's ice cream. Irene got a fruit something or other, Dad got a sugar free ice cream, and Annetta and I got the best... Coffee lover's. It was amazing! I'd get it again in a second!

After our supper of ice cream, we decided to have french fries for dessert. :) I love this picture, though I know certain people won't be too happy with me for posting it. ;b

When we got to our hotel, our first and biggest concern was checking for bed bugs. Thankfully, everything was all clear!

They say that you should keep your luggage off the floor at hotels. That will minimize your risk of getting bed bugs. We thought it was hilarious how our stuff just stair stepped all the way to the highest point! :)

We were rudely awakened early Friday morning to a lightning storm that produced nickel size hail. 

As we were driving out of the hotel parking lot, we spotted a Ranger that beats all Rangers! Ry, I think this one's got your purple Ranger beat all hollow.

 The guys practicing their song.

This was Aaron's song. Earl had him lead it. He did an excellent job (I'm sure it had something to do with the phenomenal singers...)

Getting arranged on the risers.


Abi in a sea of altos.

The basses

The sky was gorgeous on the way home!

That evening, Henry got it into his head that he should arm wrestle Aaron. I'm sure you can guess who won (multiple times too!) without me telling you.

Dad had to get in there and teach them a few never fail arm wrestling moves. There was also full body wrestling going on, but that's another story. :D

Ian can play the piano beautifully! So can Stephen, actually.

Strongs wanted to get a group picture, but some of the boys were late, so we just snapped individual group pictures. I never did get the boys', though. It was hilarious how many cameras were pointed at us! There had to be at least 5 or 6!

That evening at the church in Loveland 

These girls were supposed to help the guys on their song.

The cooks had packed a sack dinner for us.

Everyone is stuffing their faces!

KK was making faces at me as I went through the line. :)

Somebody discovered this newspaper clipping on a bulletin board.

Leandra Baca and I got to be good friends that weekend. We were singing buddies for a good part of the time. Both of us were feeling quite silly by the end of the last program. :)

Oh, and of course, I couldn't resist slipping a few pictures of the sweetest little girl around in. She got to spend the day with us on Tuesday.

She finally succumbed to her sleepiness and dropped of in Grandma's lap.

Friday, May 8, 2015

I Love You...

I love the Lord. I know that all of my readers (or at least I hope) love the Lord. Jesus definitely is worthy of our love... But... Do we truly love Him?

I've been mulling over this question lately. Do I love Him? I know He loves me. In a relationship love should come from both sides. At least, in this case, Jesus won't stop loving us like we finite humans would if a loved one stopped loving us.

About a week ago, I was praying (no, that wasn't the last time I prayed:) over my little list of people, problems and praise. As I neared the end of my talk with Jesus, the words, "I love You, Jesus" just slipped out without my really thinking about it. I had to sit there and think, "How often have I told Him that I love Him?" My relationship with Him is the same as a human relationship. We both reciprocate love.

Ever since then, I've been telling Jesus that I love Him. I know that serving Him is showing love, but just think, when your mom tells you she loves you, it makes you feel pretty good. Mom does a lot of work for us, which is very special, but, boy, when she tells you that she loves you it brings it way closer home! I'm not sure that that's a very good example, but these are the thoughts that have been ruminating in my head the past while.

And, you know what? Just by telling Him that I love Him has made me want to put my love into action. I'm wanting to serve and serving for Him, not myself. Lately I'd been struggling with feeling "weary in well doing." Somehow, after I've been telling Jesus that I love Him, those feelings of weariness have dissipated.

I still have to choose to be willing... I must work as unto the Lord, like, cleaning 3 houses and 5 bathrooms today... weeding the garden... washing the never ending pile of dishes... making meals even when it freaks me out to do so... stretching myself in numerous ways... cleaning our own house... doing laundry... cleaning church- even when it seems like the umpteenth time that we've done it... The list could go on! But, let me tell you, it sure helps to remind yourself daily, hourly, minute by minute, second by second, that you are His by telling Jesus, "I love You."

I was blessed by this quote recently. It doesn't exactly go with my subject, but that's neither here nor there. :)

"Sight is not faith, and hearing is not faith, neither is feeling faith; but believing when we neither see, hear, nor feel is faith; and everywhere the Bible tells us our salvation is to be by faith. Therefore we must believe before we feel, and often against our feelings, if we would honor God by our faith." ~Hannah Whitall Smith

Credits: Sandy Schaefer- Pintrest

Monday, May 4, 2015

We Must Work!

14  And the children of Joseph spake unto Joshua, saying, Why hast thou given me but one lot and one portion to inherit, seeing I am a great people, forasmuch as the Lord hath blessed me hitherto? 15  And Joshua answered them, If thou be a great people, then get thee up to the wood country, and cut down for thyself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the giants, if mount Ephraim be too narrow for thee. 16  And the children of Joseph said, The hill is not enough for us: and all the Canaanites that dwell in the land of the valley have chariots of iron, both they who are of Bethshean and her towns, and they who are of the valley of Jezreel. 17  And Joshua spake unto the house of Joseph, even to Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying, Thou art a great people, and hast great power: thou shalt not have one lot only: 18  But the mountain shall be thine; for it is a wood, and thou shalt cut it down: and the outgoings of it shall be thine: for thou shalt drive out the Canaanites, though they have iron chariots, and though they be strong. ~Joshua 17: 14-18

"It is our nature to want "freebies," but the spiritual believer will better appreciate what is accomplished through perseverance than what is gained with out it. Co-laboring with God in His program and with His power is a great privilege and produces lasting results for which we can glorify Him. On this point, F. B. Meyer suggests the claims of the children of Joseph are not much different than Christians today who desire the thrills of Christian service only if it is what they want to do and if it can be easily accomplished:

Like so many more they were content to live on the strength of past tradition, upon their numbers and prestige; and to base upon these considerations, claims they were too indolent to make good by deeds. How often we ask God for wider spheres of usefulness, whilst we fail to utilize those which lie within our reach. "Cut down wood," is an injunction which might fairly apply to us all. Do not sigh for missionary service till you have covered the whole acreage within your reach- in the home circle, or amongst the children of some poor district. The wood may be thick, but the ax of persevering faith will make a clearing there... Some Christians exist, while others live; others again reign in life... Some have life; others have it "more abundantly."

"Unfortunately, instead of swinging the ax and wielding the sword to appropriate their possession, those in Ephraim and Manasseh thought it better to tolerate and profit by the Canaanites who resided within their territories, ignoring the clear command to drive them out of the land. What often seems to be the path of least resistance at first becomes the hard and arduous way later; their decision to disobey Joshua's exhortation would prove to have painful consequences in future years. May each of us do our best, showing diligence with present duties and opportunities, for the glory of God that by the grace of God we may be spared agonizing disappointments and repercussions later!"

~Warren Henderson, Conquest and the Life of Rest~

I was really challenged with this part of my devotions this morning. Too often I take the easy way out in my walk with Christ, losing out on all of those benefits He would bestow on me if only I'd obeyed. I definitely have a new perspective on those crossroads of life now! After our weekend of meetings and after reading this portion of my book of Joshua study, I feel better equipped to go out there and meet head on whatever the Lord would have for me. Bring it on!

Friday, May 1, 2015

If Jesus Comes Tomorrow, What Then?

If Jesus comes tomorrow to spend some time with you
Would you answer all His questions or lie to hide the truth?
Would you welcome Him with open arms, or even let Him in?
If Jesus comes tomorrow, what then?

If Jesus calls your number, could you leave today?
Are you ready to lay down your worldly goods and walk away?
Would it take a month of Sundays just to tell Him of your sin,
If Jesus comes tomorrow, what then?

If the sky turns black as midnight in the middle of the day
and somehow you knew that Jesus would soon be on His way,
Would you have to beg forgiveness, or could you reach out and take His hand?
If Jesus comes tomorrow, what then?

Trying to Catch Up...

As you have probably noticed, I've gone off the radar for awhile. Ok, for a long time. I have one word for you. Life. Guys, life reall...