I've been mulling over this question lately. Do I love Him? I know He loves me. In a relationship love should come from both sides. At least, in this case, Jesus won't stop loving us like we finite humans would if a loved one stopped loving us.
About a week ago, I was praying (no, that wasn't the last time I prayed:) over my little list of people, problems and praise. As I neared the end of my talk with Jesus, the words, "I love You, Jesus" just slipped out without my really thinking about it. I had to sit there and think, "How often have I told Him that I love Him?" My relationship with Him is the same as a human relationship. We both reciprocate love.
Ever since then, I've been telling Jesus that I love Him. I know that serving Him is showing love, but just think, when your mom tells you she loves you, it makes you feel pretty good. Mom does a lot of work for us, which is very special, but, boy, when she tells you that she loves you it brings it way closer home! I'm not sure that that's a very good example, but these are the thoughts that have been ruminating in my head the past while.
And, you know what? Just by telling Him that I love Him has made me want to put my love into action. I'm wanting to serve and serving for Him, not myself. Lately I'd been struggling with feeling "weary in well doing." Somehow, after I've been telling Jesus that I love Him, those feelings of weariness have dissipated.
I still have to choose to be willing... I must work as unto the Lord, like, cleaning 3 houses and 5 bathrooms today... weeding the garden... washing the never ending pile of dishes... making meals even when it freaks me out to do so... stretching myself in numerous ways... cleaning our own house... doing laundry... cleaning church- even when it seems like the umpteenth time that we've done it... The list could go on! But, let me tell you, it sure helps to remind yourself daily, hourly, minute by minute, second by second, that you are His by telling Jesus, "I love You."
I was blessed by this quote recently. It doesn't exactly go with my subject, but that's neither here nor there. :)
"Sight is not faith, and hearing is not faith, neither is feeling faith; but believing when we neither see, hear, nor feel is faith; and everywhere the Bible tells us our salvation is to be by faith. Therefore we must believe before we feel, and often against our feelings, if we would honor God by our faith." ~Hannah Whitall Smith
Credits: Sandy Schaefer- Pintrest
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