"It is our nature to want "freebies," but the spiritual believer will better appreciate what is accomplished through perseverance than what is gained with out it. Co-laboring with God in His program and with His power is a great privilege and produces lasting results for which we can glorify Him. On this point, F. B. Meyer suggests the claims of the children of Joseph are not much different than Christians today who desire the thrills of Christian service only if it is what they want to do and if it can be easily accomplished:
Like so many more they were content to live on the strength of past tradition, upon their numbers and prestige; and to base upon these considerations, claims they were too indolent to make good by deeds. How often we ask God for wider spheres of usefulness, whilst we fail to utilize those which lie within our reach. "Cut down wood," is an injunction which might fairly apply to us all. Do not sigh for missionary service till you have covered the whole acreage within your reach- in the home circle, or amongst the children of some poor district. The wood may be thick, but the ax of persevering faith will make a clearing there... Some Christians exist, while others live; others again reign in life... Some have life; others have it "more abundantly."
"Unfortunately, instead of swinging the ax and wielding the sword to appropriate their possession, those in Ephraim and Manasseh thought it better to tolerate and profit by the Canaanites who resided within their territories, ignoring the clear command to drive them out of the land. What often seems to be the path of least resistance at first becomes the hard and arduous way later; their decision to disobey Joshua's exhortation would prove to have painful consequences in future years. May each of us do our best, showing diligence with present duties and opportunities, for the glory of God that by the grace of God we may be spared agonizing disappointments and repercussions later!"
~Warren Henderson, Conquest and the Life of Rest~
I was really challenged with this part of my devotions this morning. Too often I take the easy way out in my walk with Christ, losing out on all of those benefits He would bestow on me if only I'd obeyed. I definitely have a new perspective on those crossroads of life now! After our weekend of meetings and after reading this portion of my book of Joshua study, I feel better equipped to go out there and meet head on whatever the Lord would have for me. Bring it on!
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