Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tent Meetings, Cute Babies, Scenery etc

Boy, looks like I've been quite slack with my blogging. I have all the normal excuses up my sleeve, busyness, events, being tired ;), having no inspiration to write...

As we've been so busy this past month, I can't remember everything that went on, so, I'll let the pictures tell our story.

Sam has been taking boat loads of scenery pictures lately. Now that their four wheeler is fixed, he often drives down to the corner for sunset pictures.

We had a big storm pass through awhile ago. It turned a sickly yellow green outside and got really chilly after being in the upper 90s.

The wind was blowing super hard!

Our dear Dawse. :)

Another storm also came through. It was kinda a freak storm. It blew up really fast, hailed quarter size hail, then blew away. That's KK's hand.

We had Doughy and Lynna for the afternoon. Dober was very cute in his blue polo shirt that just didn't quite fit over his belly. :)

A bushell full of happy!

Mom changed his diaper and never got around to putting his pants back on, sou our little manny enjoyed some fresh air!

Notice miss active in the background. :)

Whenever Sam opened the door fast it would scare Katelyn. After awhile, though, she got to thinking it was pretty funny. That girl has more personality packed into one tiny body than she knows what to do with!

We had our annual Tent Revival Meetings again this year. There were several people that came from the community. This year we had more visitors from other churches, which was exciting!

Cleaning up after a meal can be nerve wracking. :) Our family was on for meal clean up this year.

The left overs...

Leonard Guenther from Kentucky was our special speaker.

Somebody gave the little people glow sticks. They had great fun with them!

I watched Katelyn for Ry and Kels for most of the meetings. Sunday afternoon, we couldn't find Ry or Kels, so Abi and I watched the littles. They eventually showed up, but we just kept the babies anyway to give them a break. We ended up over at church since it was so hot out. Katelyn was rocking and singing while we listed to the message. :)

Cutie pie

Take down is always fun! Unfortunately, I was so tired this year that I wasn't much help. 

Since we downsized the podium, just two people can handle it now. :)

The Guenthers were staying till Monday morning, so we had snacks and things Sunday night. Did we ever have a pile of dishes! It doesn't actually look like an awful lot, but it was.
The Meetings were a huge blessing! No one was saved, but we're still praying!

Abi made pumpkin muffins the other day. Scrumptious!

Sam again...

Hunting season is almost upon us... The boys have been bow practicing again.

Sorry, that wasn't much of an update. I've just been rather out of whack lately, so my brain isn't really with it. We had our busy week of cleaning (6 houses) the week before tent meetings, then we had a very busy week preparing our house for company, cleaning the church and meeting every night for prayer. Then, the week after the meetings we had our busy week again. Now this week we spent nearly 7 hours cleaning an elderly man's house in Atlantic. That was a chore! Abi and I cleaned again today and we have one more house to go this week. I've also been feeling under the weather most of this week too. Next week is our busy week again... I still don't think I've recovered from those extremely busy weeks. We'll rest in heaven, I guess. :)

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