Well, I don't have much to say... I can hardly remember what has happened! I've just been trying to survive from day to day. :) Everything pre-wedding is just a blur... Everything post-wedding is a blur too! ;)
We celebrated Doughy's 2nd birthday on June 25th!
The partners in naughtiness...
Kels made this adorable cake for Derby.
Birthday boy!
He was so cute while we sang "Happy Birthday" to him! He sat there clapping his hands and grinning from ear to ear.
I gave him Tic-Tacs... Unfortunately, he opened them first and wanted nothing to do with the rest of his gifts after that! :)
Abi and Sam have been doing an amazing job keeping the gardens up!
This girl is too much!
We've had a lot of storms come through this year. So far we've had nothing serious except for the huge wind storm in the spring that blew down three of our pine trees on the north side of the house. Other than that, it's just been a lot of rain! Last week, we had a big lightning storm come through. We got around 5 inches of rain in one night! There were flash flood warnings out and everything!
I thought he looked like an emoticon. :)
KK's got a bright idea!
Gathering hangers on laundry day is a whole arm experience!
Dapper Der
Kels put the littles in their wedding clothes one day. (And no, Joseph did not wear the tie to the wedding.)
Aren't they adorable!?
The clouds were gorgeous one evening before church...
The "barn house" down the road from us is completed! We often walk by there on our walks. It's been fun watching their progress on it.
Abi and I love this valley. It's so picturesque.
The boys got fireworks from MO. Just the little ones, not the illegal big ones. :)
Mom's birthday was July 1st. We children bought her these comfy flip-flops that she'd been wanting.
This was clear silly putty... My brothers have way too much fun!
We went out for coffee for Mom's birthday. We were going to meet Aunt Holly, my cousin Gabby, and Mom's cousin Cathy at the Java Supply in Treynor, but they were closed for the holidays (the 4th of July)! So, we went to Panera Bread in CB instead. :) It was a wonderful time spent with family!
Aunt Carol invited us over for a cook out on the 4th. Afterwards, we went to watch the firework show over at the Atlantic airport.
KK videoed the whole thing on his camera. He got some pretty amazing shots!
The grand finale was incredible! They shot off those areal bursts along with the colorful fireworks. If you've never experienced an areal burst, you're missing out! They are so incredibly loud, their boom shakes the ground and makes your chest feel like it's going to burst! Wow! They are immensely impressive! We didn't get home until close to midnight, but it was so worth it!
The next afternoon we were scheduled to leave for TN... But, more on that later. :)
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