Announcing the arrival of our sweet little Katelyn Renae!
Here is an excerpt from an email announcement that Ryan sent out...
"Many of you may have noted that we didn't make it to church on Wednesday. Kelsey was beginning to have some contractions and other signs that labor was coming soon, so we decided to hold off on doing any traveling.
We ended up coming up to Cass County Memorial Hospital on the afternoon of Thursday the 23rd, and Katelyn Renae was born at 2:46 A.M. the following morning on the 24th. (We are wondering if she will be a punctual, organized girl... because she came right on her due date. :P ) She weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces (exactly what Daddy did when he was born), and was 20 1/4" long. We think she looks a lot like Kelsey and some of her sisters did as babies.
The Lord gave us both much grace and strength through the labor and delivery process. We could really feel God's peace comforting our hearts as people prayed. It was such a blessing to hold this little Sweetness the Lord gave us. We felt like it was such a LONG wait, and now she's finally here! We are so blessed and excited!
We've had two small snags in the process, though. It appears Kelsey broke Her tailbone during the delivery, so She is in a good bit of pain at times if She happens to move it wrong. There is not really any good way to treat it except to wait for it to heal on its own. So please pray that She would have minimal pain and swift healing.
The second snag is that Katelyn was a little on the sluggish side when it came to learning how to nurse. So she got a little behind, and is now having some trouble with a some weight loss and jaundice setting in. She's eating well now, but it could take some time for her to get caught up. Please pray that the jaundice would clear up soon so we can get our little girlie home... The doctor and nurses have been exceptionally helpful and very respectful of our preferences, but they are a little reluctant to send her home yet until the jaundice and weight stabilize. It's sounding like we may be going home on Monday, but a lot will depend on how well things clear up.
I think that's about it. Please pass this on to anyone that is interesting in how things are going. Again, we want to give a huge thank-you to everyone who prayed and supported us during this exciting event. The Lord was glorified, and we just can't stop thanking Him enough for this precious, sweet little bundle He chose to give us. What a reward this little fruit of the womb already is!"
We ended up coming up to Cass County Memorial Hospital on the afternoon of Thursday the 23rd, and Katelyn Renae was born at 2:46 A.M. the following morning on the 24th. (We are wondering if she will be a punctual, organized girl... because she came right on her due date. :P ) She weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces (exactly what Daddy did when he was born), and was 20 1/4" long. We think she looks a lot like Kelsey and some of her sisters did as babies.
The Lord gave us both much grace and strength through the labor and delivery process. We could really feel God's peace comforting our hearts as people prayed. It was such a blessing to hold this little Sweetness the Lord gave us. We felt like it was such a LONG wait, and now she's finally here! We are so blessed and excited!
We've had two small snags in the process, though. It appears Kelsey broke Her tailbone during the delivery, so She is in a good bit of pain at times if She happens to move it wrong. There is not really any good way to treat it except to wait for it to heal on its own. So please pray that She would have minimal pain and swift healing.
The second snag is that Katelyn was a little on the sluggish side when it came to learning how to nurse. So she got a little behind, and is now having some trouble with a some weight loss and jaundice setting in. She's eating well now, but it could take some time for her to get caught up. Please pray that the jaundice would clear up soon so we can get our little girlie home... The doctor and nurses have been exceptionally helpful and very respectful of our preferences, but they are a little reluctant to send her home yet until the jaundice and weight stabilize. It's sounding like we may be going home on Monday, but a lot will depend on how well things clear up.
I think that's about it. Please pass this on to anyone that is interesting in how things are going. Again, we want to give a huge thank-you to everyone who prayed and supported us during this exciting event. The Lord was glorified, and we just can't stop thanking Him enough for this precious, sweet little bundle He chose to give us. What a reward this little fruit of the womb already is!"
Katelyn is over the jaundice by now. Just recently she developed a very bad diaper rash, though. Ry and Kels tried just about everything out there to get rid of it, but nothing seemed to be working. So, they just let her "air out" as much as possible. :) That seemed to help a little. At least, it helped with her attitude. :) They finally decided that she must be allergic to the kind of diapers they were using. After switching brands, the rash disappeared, PTL!
Kelsey's tail bone is feeling better, but it's still very sore. Please keep praying for her swift recovery!
Well, as Ryan and Kelsey's camera quit on them, we lent our's to them. So, basically, the only pictures that I've got right now are the ones that we took at the hospital. Thanks to a few cell phone pictures, I did have a few recent pictures. :)

Patient Parking
There's Ry and Kels' van. :)
12:23 am...
Mom and Dad had gone to the hospital earlier while we children stayed home. Dad told us just to go to bed and they would call us when the baby was born. Well, around 11 pm, we heard that Kels had dilated more. Who could sleep after hearing that news?! We called Daddy and asked (ok, maybe we did beg some :D) if we could please go to the hospital. Thankfully, he said yes. :)
Now, here it is, 12:23 am and no baby...
1:05 am
Still no baby...
2:37 am
This pictures was taken exactly 9 minutes before Katelyn was born.
We received a text, two minutes after she was born. At this point we still didn't know her name.
Oh, the agony of waiting!
After the "IT'S A GIRL" text, we rushed over to the nursery window.
Everything waiting in readiness for Sweetness. Notice the clock? It is now 2:55 am...
After waiting all this time, we finally get to know what her name is!
I have to confess that when I saw the nurse and Ryan walk into the nursery, I had to blink really fast to hold back the tears... It was a precious, precious moment.
Daddy's Hand
Scowling at Dad :)
She had the lustiest cry! It was so cute (and still is).
Katelyn Renae
After getting home between 4:30 and 5 am, we were back up at the hospital to hold Katelyn around 11 am. Boy, were we tired!
Aunt Emmie
Sweet little foot
Aunt Abi
The nurses had wrote all the May baby's names on flowers and taped them on the nursery window.
Proud Papa
Uncle KK
Uncle Sammy
All of us together
Well, except Nate and Josh. Nate is in Haiti again and Josh was in Ohio visiting friends. Also, it was so disappointing that the Smiths weren't able to be there. :(
Home at Last!
They arrived at home Monday evening, May 27.
This is a collage of pictures that Gram put together. The really blurry picture in the top left corner is special. Mom was able to rock Katelyn in the rocker that she rocked Ryan in when he was a baby. That rocker is almost 28 years old!
Proud Grandpa :)
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