Friday, February 5, 2016

Alaina Louise Grice

We are proud to announce the birth of our sweet little niece and granddaughter, Alaina Louise Grice! She was born February 2, 2016 at 9:21 p.m., weighing in at 7lb 10oz and was 21" long. :) Everything went smoothly and Mommy and baby are doing great!

We had the babies for 3 days (more pictures of that later). This is on the way up to the hospital. Look at that smirk!

Waiting for Ryan to meet us...

Doughy couldn't care less about Alaina but it was love at first sight for Lynna! :)

We did finally convince Derby to give Laina a little kiss. :)

I only got to hold her for a tiny bit before others were demanding their turn. :)

Fat little face!

She has a lot of dark wavy hair. It kinda looks like she has reddish highlights in her hair already. :)

Derbs was so happy to see Mommy and Daddy!

Digging for mints in Grandma's purse...

This is my favorite picture. Mom took it and sent it to Virginia. Gin then edited it and sent it back to us. So precious!


  1. Oh my! How adorable is she! Too cute for words, I'm so happy for all of you! She is precious!
    Miss you sooooooo much right now! :(

  2. I miss my family!! Such sweet pictures... so cute and sweet!


Trying to Catch Up...

As you have probably noticed, I've gone off the radar for awhile. Ok, for a long time. I have one word for you. Life. Guys, life reall...