Saturday, March 11, 2017

Blue Sky Tag

Paige from Paige's Pages tagged me for a blog interview. 😊 Thank you, Paige!

1. Who is your best friend?
My mom and my sister

2. What is your household chore? If you have one.
Hm... Pretty much everything! I wash the dishes, clean, do laundry, cook...

3. What do you day dream about most?
Oh, boy. Probably having enough money to do necessary things and not having to scrimp every penny.

4. What would be the hardest thing for you to give up?
My family!

5. Something you've achieved that you are really proud of?
Finally creating a dress pattern that actually fits well! 😜

6. Something you regret?
I regret not getting braces on my teeth when I was younger and had insurance. Now I have to pay for them out of my pocket. 😁

7. What scares you the most and why?
Going outside in the dark and June bugs. Why? We have creepy critters around here, not to mention the mountain lions that show up sometimes. June bugs... Please don't tease me with them or I will actually have a melt down, they creep me out that bad! I mean it. I'm not just being funny.

8. Skirts or pants? Why?
Neither, I guess. I prefer jumpers or dresses, unless it's pajamas, then I prefer pants. 😉 Why? I find dresses or jumpers more comfortable than skirts and more modest (unless it's a windy day) than pants.

9. What's something that makes you cry?
My hair falling out, watching others suffer and onions, lol

10. What state do you live in?
Iowa! 💝

11. What are your dreams for the future?
Going back to Ireland, again... and again... 😄 getting married, Lord willing; having my hair grow back; playing harmonica

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this!!! Thanks for doing it!
    btw, I really love your new blog design!!!


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