Mom came down with it on Friday. Thankfully, she got a lighter case like I did. The rest got it more severely than we did.
Medicine, Kleenexes, cough drops and sick bodies lying around for the past week have made our house look like a hospital. With all the coughing and hacking going on, anyone could've mistaken us for a TB ward. :)
We were so sick that we wondered if we had the H1N1 that's supposedly going around... until Mom discovered that the mortality rate for that flu is 100%... Since none of us died in the first 24 hours, I guess we must just have the plain old, everyday, hum-drum, 7 day flu. Nothing nearly as exciting as the H1N1. :)
Being sick all at the same time has it's pros and cons. It's fun to crowd into a room together, sniffling and coughing, and listen to Mom read a Little House book to us. We had a "sick" bathroom upstairs that all of us sickies used, "sick" blankets and pillows, "sick" couches and chairs... The healthy people weren't taking any chances!
KK's fever must've soared to worlds unknown several times. Poor guy always got delirious. One morning, halfway better Abi had to take care of everybody 'cause Mom had to go somewhere. KK began muttering incoherently from his couch, sat up, then swung his legs over the arm of the couch and stood up. With his eyes squinted almost shut due to the terrible eye ache that the fever gives you, he staggered over to the foot stool and sat down. He sat there, squinting and muttering, then threw his arms and said "This is not our house!" Abi finally got him convinced to go back to bed. :) Poor KK, he's born to be dramatic. :)
After being near death's door the past 5 days, I'm very grateful to be back! (Just kidding!) Everyone seems to be on the road to recovery and so far, no one else has gotten sick.
We were planning on butchering the 13 deer hanging in our shed on Saturday. Dad, Josh, T.J., Ben, Brie, a few Zooks, and some Martins came to help.
I was so glad that I was sick that day! I absolutely, positively hate butchering. Ya, all you tough girls and boys can be tough and laugh at me, but I don't mind being a sissy. I'm content with hating the whole business. It's just a disgusting, bloody mess.
That said *sigh of relief*, I'm very grateful to all of you who don't mind the bloody mess and came to help out. Special thanks to Dad, Nate, Josh, Ben and Brie who stayed up late washing dishes and cleaning up. You guys did a great job! Also, thanks, T.J. for supplying the butchers with Casey's pizza for lunch!
Sadly, my vacation is finally coming to an end. It was nice to just lay back and forget about cleaning for an entire week! We didn't even clean our own house, we were so sick. Even though it's been miserable, it's also been nice to be able to relax and just read a book.
Since I've been sick, I haven't really had the camera out. But, here are several pictures of one of the fitful snowstorms we've been having. I took these Wednesday morning.
The sun was shining as snow fell thickly, making it look like billions of tiny diamonds, sparkling as they fell to the ground.
I'd never seen anything like that. The beauty of it just took your breath away!
Now, I didn't get any pictures of the butchering day since I was sick, but Nate gave me several that he took with his phone of the deer hanging in the shed.
It looks like mass murder...
Apparently, our window delivery guy walked back here looking for a spot to place the windows he was delivering, and got completely freaked out by the poor deers. :)
How many deer can you fit in a five gallon bucket? Pretty gruesome, huh?