Chupps invited the whole church over to their house New Years Eve for a light soup supper, snacks, a hymn sing and games.
Not everyone showed up, though. Martins, Gavins, Chelsea and us were the only ones there. It was a sweet, but also fun time! :)
Chupps had made an array of muffins.
Yummy vegetable soup
They'd forgotten to take the apple cider out of the freezer. :)
You can tell who wasn't paying attention to the song...
Rhoda adopted Aunt Carol as her best friend that night. :)
While Josh, KK, and Joel were getting skates sharpened at Sheels in Omaha, they decided to get Michael a mini Carhart coat. He was so cute in it!
Playing Mad Libs late at night... Well, lets just say that it gets pretty funny!
I love Abi's expression! She didn't want her picture taken.
After Mad Libs, we played Quiddler.
Since there were so many people, we played in teams.
Burke and Stephanie showed up around 11 to pick Chelsea up. Stephanie loves Quiddler so she couldn't help but stay for a little while to lend a helping hand.
Valeria and I were a team.
KK, Sam and Timmy didn't want to play so they just messed around doing boy things. :)
The little boys made a blanket and couch cushion house.
Almost midnight! Though, I found out that my watch was a little fast.
In the last 5 minutes of the year, we hurried to finish Quiddler before midnight.
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
2 minutes...
1 minute...
As time was quickly ticking away, a feeling of melancholy washed over me as I realized that I was living the last few seconds of 2013. Never again will we see that year. Who knows what will happen in 2014? Our days aren't promised us.
Happy New Year!!!
We ended up finishing Quiddler in the nick of time.
I took a cell phone video of the last couple minutes before midnight, but then the phone wouldn't send it to the email. Arg!
The Quiddler score sheet
Cleaning up after the festivities.
Somebody had blown up a balloon that everybody was batting around. The boys got to really batting it, when the awful sound of shattering glass reverberated through the house. Everything got deathly quiet as we rushed to the scene. Somehow the balloon hit the light fixture in the dining room, shattering it into a million pieces. Funny thing was, the balloon never popped! The boys all felt really bad about what had happened. The balloon and the light fixture reminds me of the fable of the elephant and the mouse. :)
New Years Day
Jan. 1st was spent at home. The boys had to spend the first part of the day cleaning the attic. :)
Sammy got the bathroom job.
The other two got the cleaning up, sorting and organizing job.
Josh's "junk" :)
Josh finished the barn wood trim around the window!
It looks really nice!
Dad and Mom have been trying to gather all the loose ODB paperwork to prepare for taxes. Ugh!
This is about a year's worth of register tape sales... We had to sort it by month, then weeks and days.
Nate video chatted with us for about 15 min.! Here we are, waiting for his call to come in.
Isn't he high and mighty!
There he is! Oh, we miss you so bad, NayNay!
Rows and rows of figures!
We also got about 2 inches of snow that day. It was also really, really cold out!
"...Jack frost nipping at your nose..."
It was also pretty cold inside too! I put my scarf on to try to warm up some. :)
Sammy spent a couple hours building elaborate dominos.
He made a bridge for this one. Pieces went under and over the bridge. It was pretty neat! :)
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