I decided to share some old family pictures of our family with you all. They aren't organized by date or anything, except for Mom and Dad's wedding pictures being first. So, enjoy a little jaunt down memory lane with the Grices!
The couple that started it all...
The Lowis family
Mom and Dad with Great-Grandma McWilliams
Isn't Mom beautiful?
Fast forward 20 some years to a Sunday afternoon at our old Persia house. This was when we still home churched.
Brie :)
Fast forward some more to when we held church at the Oakland Senior Center. Gracie always loved her food so much that she wore it! :)
Ryan has always been admired by the boys.
KK and Brie have always been best buddies.
We have known Willard and Daw Kauffman since 2003. They've always been special to us!
Hollie and I were about 13, Becca about 12 and Abi 10 or 11.
So cute!
Ai would be about 11 or 12 in this picture.
I think this was Rusty and Diana, and Ron's baptism.
Fast forward a lot more... Sam was 3 or 4 here.
Fast forward even more... These next several pictures were taken when we went to the Creation Museum in 2009.
Poor little Sammy was a little freaked out by that dino. :)
We had fun at one rest area. :)
This was at our rental house in Lyman the winter of '09 to '10.
That was one hard winter!
This was shortly after we moved to our current house, as you can tell by the bare walls and lack of clutter. :)
Ok, time to rewind way back 11 years ago. This was probably taken in July of '04, a couple months before Sam was born.
Our milk cow, Hannah, with her offspring, Strawberry (the spotted one) and Chocolate.
Can you see why we called Sam "Potato head" and "Beached Beluga Whale"? :)
We loved going "exploring" down the creeks at our old house! That place was a child's paradise...
This reminds me slightly of Joseph...
This was about 2 years before the Martins moved here. They had come for a visit and stayed at our house.
I didn't like pictures of me then and still don't! :)
What a chub!
Is that orange hat a prophecy of what was yet to come?
Naughty KK...
These next several pictures are from Bush Week in the summer of 2005.

KK and Ry were the doctors... It doesn't look like their patient is doing very well.
Grace had a broken arm.
Poor Jessi got the horror treatment. :P You can't really see it, but Mandy is holding a mallet over Jessi's head. :)
Poor little Sammy was so hot, Mom let him "swim" in a bowl of water.
I love this picture!
Getting ready for a trip... I think we were going to Zion for some reason.
Sam hated getting his hair washed! He would scream and cry bloody murder. :)
KK's 6th or 7th birthday.
Abi, Becca, and Annetta
This was when Dad, Ry and Nate worked at the vending food company, Sodexo.
Rewind again to about 2001. Our family drove down to Texas to visit Gram and Gramps. They "flew south" every winter for several years.
The motley crew
The older man on the right is Bill Brown, Shelly Draur's dad.
Ok, fast forward again, back to Dad and Ron's ordination. These were most of the little children from our church, well, not the Martins yet. :)
The old man with white hair and in the overalls was Everett Grote. He was a firecracker! He loved the Lord with all his heart. We met him through the farmer's market in Harlan, IA. He's gone now, but I still look back fondly on my memories of dear old Everett.
These were the first baptisms we ever had. This was before we were Glory Christian Fellowship!
Rewind, oh, several years...
Abi and I with our beloved kitties. I was so sad when I started to have cat allergies! I still am...
Whenever our city cousins came over they always enjoyed seeing the animals.
We were hosting some event at our house. Here we are taking a hay rack ride out in the fields around our house.
Hollie and I would've been about 8. Look how skinny I used to be!
KK and Brie
KK, one of our many barn cats (we had as many as 20 something once), and our sweet dog, Elsie.
We visited my Uncle Tom's mom (that would be Aunt Carol's mother-in-law), June, quite often till she passed away. This would've been about 2002 or '03.
Ok, rewind again. This is Dad and Ryan.
Little happy family
Sweet Joshie
Dad and Ry
Uncle Mike and Ryan
Ry and Nate
Me when I was about 3.
We were all dressed up in our Easter finery.
I was 5 and Abi was 3.
Ryan would've been 11, Nate 10, and Josh about 9 moths.
This would've been taken in our old house in Omaha.
The baby is me. :)
Don't be too frightened by gigantic baby Nate!
This was the day after Josh was born.
Always trying to be like the big boys. I don't think I've grown out of it yet. :)
Dad was phenomenal with crafts! He made these two dinosaur costumes for the boys from scratch!
Watch out!
They've always been best friends.
That's my daddy! :)
Abi and Josh have always been good friends. Right up from diapers!
Josh was about the cutest baby ever!
That's Ry ad Nate
Does this look like Joseph or what?
In Texas again in 2002!
Our ages would've been about 7, 6 and , 1, almost 2.
That's our Cairn Terrier, Terran.
Aren't we cute!?
Nate, me, ad Ry
That's me in the tractor while the boys pushed.
Nate, always the clown.
This is Grandpa and Grandma Grice.
That'd be the boys and I. :)
This picture was taken the summer before Ryan and Kelsey were married.
I think that this concludes the Grice family picture gallery. There are way more pictures of us all, but I figured that this would be enough. I think I have nearly 150 pictures on here... :)
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