Friday, January 23, 2015


1. Don't get into bondage about place, or position of the body... sometimes, at least, [Our Lord] went into the open air to a hillside; to a garden... I have known some who could kneel hours by a chair... walking up or down; this was Bishop Moule's way. Some go into their rooms and shut the door... Let the leaning of your mind lead you; a God-directed mind leans to what helps the spirit the most...

2. Don't be discouraged if at first you seem to get nowhere... no command in the Bible [is] so difficult to obey and so penetrating in power... [as] "Be still and know that I am God." Many have found this so...

3. Don't feel it is necessary to pray all the time; listen... And read the Words of Life. Let them enter into you.

4. Don't forget there is one other person interested in you- extremely interested... there is no truer word than the old couplet:
Satan trembles when he sees
The weakest saint upon his knees.

5. Don't give up in despair if no thoughts and no words come, but only distractions and inward confusions. Often it helps to use the words of others... Psalm, hymn, song- use what helps most.

6. Don't worry if you fall asleep. "He giveth unto His beloved in sleep."

7. And if the day ends in what seems failure, don't fret. Tell Him you're sorry. Even so, don't be discouraged. All discouragement is of the devil...

Further thoughts on the subject of Prayer...

1. We don't need to explain to our Father things that are know to Him.

2. We don't need to press Him, as if we had to deal with an unwilling God.

3. We don't need to suggest to Him what to do, for He Himself knows what to do.

~Amy Carmichael~

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