Monday, December 8, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve and Day

I'm finally caught up with my blogging! :) I've still got to post the Christmas song of the day, but that shouldn't take too long. I hope.

Abi and Caleb dressed the cats up in doll clothes. When you dress Watson up, he just falls over and will not move. :D

Chupps headed our church's annual Thanksgiving dinner this year. I asked Mabel if she needed help and she set me to cutting desserts. Bad idea. I can't cut straight or evenly to save my life.

Chocolate cream pie... Mm... Sammy came up to me during the meal and told me that I had to make it again.

Valeria made nice name cards for everyone.

Ryan's message from that Sunday was still up on the white board. :) Oops.

Amy's sweet potatoes

Chupp stuffing

The lucky few that got to go through the line first.

Little Rosie looks just like her daddy! :)

Martins brought a four layer pumpkin torte.

Uho, Timmy's eyes were too big for his stomach...

Chupps were the first to share in the family sharing time. They sang Free Waters and quoted all of Isaiah 53. I was impressed! Great job, guys!

Gavins did a beautiful job singing The Love of God.

Quite a few of us in our family had laryngitis or some form of a cold, so we didn't sing. The little boys and Dad just shared a few scriptures.

Shawn arranged Man of Sorrows for us youth to sing. It ground to a start, but finished with a flourish! :)

The boys sang Praise God From Whom all Blessings Flow.

Leon and boys quoted from Hebrews 11.

Martins, I'm very sorry, but I can't remember for the life of me what you sang. I know that Joel quoted a portion of John 3, but that's all. :-/

The press

As a "thank you", the church bought Mom and Dad a two night stay at a bed and breakfast of their choice. Now to decide where to go!

Edward headed up the annual goody basket stuffing.

The candy for the baskets was a huge temptation for the little people.

Best friends!

Somebody took a picture of the trash...

Josh said, "That's a bad picture!" :)

 Thanksgiving Day
We invited Gavins and Gram over on Thanksgiving day for an impromptu brunch. Her's an example of cheap feet warmers. :)

Riding Gwendolyn later

Nate, Grace and I played a game of Clue, then I helped Mom, Aunt Carol and Gram on the puzzle they were working on. We finished it in one afternoon!

Later that evening, we went over to Martins for a light supper. It was a very quiet evening as most of us weren't feeling well. :) What a crowd!

1 comment:

  1. We sang "Count Your Many Blessings." :) Have a great day!! Annetta


Trying to Catch Up...

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