Let's see, this post goes back to May 30, Abi's birthday and through Kenrick and Sharon Zook's wedding last Saturday, June 7.
Have fun!
Abi wanted to go out to eat at Family Table for her birthday breakfast, so all 14 of us went along. Living History Farms was our next stop. What fun!
Watching a documentary thing.
While we waited for the tractor to come pick us up, we started playing on the play ground. :)
Taking Josh for a wild ride!
Even Daddy got a ride! :)
"You've got a friend in me..."
We dressed Abi up as the school marm.
Watching the blacksmith make an "S."
That short little trip was a much needed break from the cares of life. We had so much fun! I haven't had such a carefree trip in forever.
Josh tried those funny glasses on too! But, only in the privacy of home... Thankfully, Mom snapped a picture with her phone. :)
Talitha is drawing ever nearer her due date...
Abi discovered a setting on our camera that we didn't know existed so we've been having fun trying it out.
Abi wanted a milking stanchion, so Dad and the boys built it for her birthday.
Tito decided to "go" all over everything... even Dad. :D
The other Sunday, just about everyone went to Zion for their meetings. We had a very small group at church, which is why some people got silly...
Sweet Der had a blast eating cheese puffs.
He loved them so much he decided to wear them! :)
Katelyn has started to pretend to sleep. :)
Look at the people in the background. Diana's veil is flying and Matthias is ready for take off. :)
Look at those curls!
Some storms moved through the other day.
It was gorgeous!
As I was taking pictures, I saw something moving in my peripheral vision. It was a doe.
She paused long enough for me to quickly snap some photos.
I couldn't decide which pictures to add, so I put most of them on. :)
Kenrick and Sharon's Wedding
We left early Friday morning for the wedding (like 6). When we got there, all the tables were set up already. This is one of the guest table center pieces.
The bridal table
The Newswanger girls arranged all of the florals. They did an amazing job!
At the rehearsal later
Jewel went missing for awhile, so Kenrick walked the air up the aisle. :)
James was the wedding coordinator. We were glad he didn't go and stand up there with the families during the wedding! :)
David was pushing his niece around in a wheel chair.
The packed cooler!
Josh set a trap for Dad. Dad had to come in early the next morning to start cooking the ham balls. He said that he turned the faucet on, and no water came out, but he was getting sprayed from somewhere. He stood there for a bit, with the water still on, mind you, trying to figure out where it was coming from. :) Priceless.
They wanted everything served family style so Dad had to get everything arranged and the timing just right so that the food would go out hot.
We had 7 roasters of shredded cheesy potato casserole, 2 roasters of peas, and numerous half sheet trays of ham balls. Instead of cake, we served strawberry delight. Josh, Irene, Annetta and I all worked on making the dessert. Talk about team effort!
Filling the coffee pots... Instead of just buying a can of cheap Folgers, they bought this expensive coffee. It's called "Jamiacan Me Crazy" and it literally does make your taste buds crazy!
KK, Sam and Annetta filled the roll baskets.
Josh filled the water.
Waiting to walk in...
I thought this was a sweet picture.
The groomsmen
The finished bridal table
A LOT of salad!
We dished up 7 trays of potato casserole with 6 bowls on each tray.
I didn't get any pictures of us actually serving since we were too busy, but here's the stack of dishes. :) This isn't even all of them!
The left overs... This is only part of them.
It was very hot and humid, so we made time before we left to recharge the AC in our van.
We were almost home and KK was tired...
Our beautiful tiny garden!
Sam was giving Lynna rides in the mop bucket at church when someone put Doughy in with her.
Dey wuv each odder!