This post is just a conglomeration of inconsequential events with the Grice residents during the month of November...
Dad brought some laminate in the house that had been out in the cold shed. The roll had been creased, so he put almost every available heavy object on it to press the creases out.
Sammy slid a yard stick into my sewing chair and used it to launch erasers. I helped him, of course. :)
He tried and tried to hit Dad, but only got him a couple times. When I tried it, I hit Dad on my first try. :)
The moon was beautiful one night.
Joshie, eating a pancake for supper.
Cass county got snow toward the end of November! Everything was so pretty!
The remaining leaves on the ground were glowing a warm, burnt orange when the sun touched them.
Opie tracts :)
Mom had promised the boys that if it snowed during the night, then they could have that next day off school, but if it snowed during the day, then they had to do school, regardless. Well, it snowed overnight! Mom said later when they reminded her of the promise, "Well, I've got to keep my end of the deal."
They had so much fun in that inch or so of snow!
Kels texted us this picture titled, "Snowsuits and Pigtails." We think Baby looks like one of the triplets in this picture.
Dad had a Bible study on the assurance of salvation. Here, he's explaining that if our foundation is Jesus, we don't need to worry. His main text was from 1 Peter 2:4-10.
Tell me, is that cute or what?
Love dat baby!
We had spaghetti, garlic bread and corn for supper one night. Josh is on a diet. :)
The traditional winter puzzle. This one took us awhile!
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